Hekuran Billa, 28, shot Prel Marku, 22, through the head in front of revelers in a packed Albanian social club in Park Royal on October 14 2006 Billali was found guilty of three counts of attempted murder and the murder of Prel Marku, and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommended minimum term of 34 years.
Two others were shot when gunman Billa and an accomplice sprayed the club with bullets. Club owner Musa Prahmani was also injured when he jumped from a second floor window to escape and luckily landed in a rubber dingy below.Billa fled to Denmark, but cops tracked him down and he was convicted of one murder, two attempted murders and wounding Mr Prahmani with intent. He had denied all charges.The rivals were raking in up to £10,000 a night emptying Westminster parking meters. Albanian gangs that had usually been involved in prostitution and people trafficking devised a lucrative simple scam to bust open the strong boxes of old fashioned meters which netted £1.25 million in £1 coins a year.Westminster Council was losing so much money it moved to cashless parking by text messages and phone this year.The dispute centred on who had control of meters on Connaught Square, the feud rumbled on for weeks of with verbal threats and escalating tensions. The two different factions were run by Petrit Brahoj, 31, and his rival Herland Bilali, 28, the Snaresbrook Crown court heard.
Kujtim Spahiu, 33, was jailed last year for 33 years in prison for his part in the shootings.Two other suspects, Mohammed Mehmeti and Lulzim Bici, who were waiting in the getaway car outside the club, were cleared of any involvement in the killing.
Shocked jurors were shown photographs of the bloodstained carpet, upturned tables where club members desperately sought cover, and the smashed windows through which others jumped for their lives when Billa pumped round after round into the crowd.
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[image: Busto del Rey Juan Carlos I de España en su vi...]
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